Polarity Therapy


The Polarity technique (or Polarity Therapy) is something generally "new", not because it is new, but because it's not well known among all the therapies we see everyday.

The balancing of energy between the two poles (positive and negative) is a simple and valid method used to produce, and bring back the body, to its natural balance.

The human body is characterized, in fact, by magnetic poles to the north (+) and to the south (-), just like the Earth and Sun; when positive pole and the negative one are connected, a current of attraction is formed between them.

Each of us owns a proper energy, a sort of vital flow, flowing through the body as if it were going through an invisible circulatory system and it pervades all the cells with which it comes into contact.

Normally, because of the stress and other factors, this energy can be weakened and partially obstructed.

Polarity therefore uses physical and non-physical contact techniques to spread, and rebalance energy throughout the body, in order to free the blocked points.

Energy is energy. There's no negative energy, but only energy channelled in a more or less exact sense.

Because the technique works at deep levels, the person being treated should not be surprised to feel changes; since the first session something happens, in a different way for each of us.

It can happen that people suffering from emotional disorders start to cry in order to open themselves, others can enter in a state of deep sleep, while other times the feeling is like being just awake after a long sleep; in some cases you can feel hot or feel yourself going through some chills, in fact the energy will act only where its intervention is necessary, determining a better state of health.

This technique was born thanks to Dr. Randolph Stone around the sixties of the XX century after a long path of specialization in osteopathy, naturopathy and chiropractic.

It can be done with both children and the elderly, and even pregnant women.

As for the kids, this experience is done in a faster way because, other than generally being more sensible at the vital energy's presence, they also present fewer obstacles due to constraints.

In cases of people with chronic problems, it's preferable to carry out a series of closer sessions, in order to modifying imbalances that are likely to continue for several years.

In conclusion, Polarity technique is essentially divided into three different types of contact: a deep contact, a lighter contact without pressure and a non-physical contact, in which the hands are slightly detached from the body.

Polarity is not a method based on suggestion and works pretty well even with sceptical people, because it acts according the principles of electromagnetic attraction and not in relation to personal opinions. 

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